Smiley | Description | Code |
| Felicie - face that laughs - Smile | [[319363101468521]] |
| Sad - sad smiley | [[319363128135185]] |
| Ride - smiling | [[319363148135183]] |
| Cool - cool by wearing sunglasses | [[319363178135180]] |
| He cries - faces that is crying, with tears
| [[319363214801843]]
| Suda - tired with sweat on his forehead | [[319363221468509]] |
| Wordless - inexpressive | [[319363248135173]] |
| Kiss - kiss | [[319363251468506]] |
| Tongue - tongue out of mouth | [[319363258135172]] |
| Embarrassment, blushing - with red cheeks | [[319363271468504]] |
| Amazed with an edge-curled | [[319363278135170]] |
| He sleeps - with eyes closed - ZZZ | [[319363314801833]] |
| Bored - bored and boring smiley | [[319363324801832]] |
| Love - in love with little hearts emoticon | [[319363334801831]] |
| Grin | [[319363354801829]] |
| Talking - you're talking face | [[319363361468495]] |
| Yawn - mouth open and eyes closed | [[319363378135160]] |
| Vomiting - face that is puking | [[319363394801825]] |
| Doh! - Exclamation of oh! | [[319363404801824]] |
| Angry - angry emoticon | [[319363414801823]] |
| Sweet eyes - as if to say "not me" | [[319363421468489]] |
| Party - festive face | [[319363428135155]] |
| Concerned - forward | [[319363448135153]] |
| MMM ... | [[319363454801819]] |
| Nerd - nerd smiley with glasses | [[319363474801817]] |
| Lips sewn - mouth shut | [[319363481468483]] |
| Hello - faces that greets with the hand | [[319363491468482]] |
| Call me - gesture with thumb and little finger | [[319363501468481]] |
| Devil - red devil smiley | [[319363518135146]] |
| Angel - emoticons with areola | [[319363521468479]] |
| Invisioso - smiley envious or jealous, green | [[319363544801810]] |
| Wait - a gesture to say "wait a minute" | [[319363554801809]] |
| Teddy Brown | [[319363568135141]] |
| Make up | [[319363591468472]] |
| Laughter blanket - hand over his mouth ^ ^ | [[319363618135136]] |
| Thinker - emoticons with eyes high | [[319363644801800]] |
| Applause | [[319363634801801]] |
| Bow - with head down | [[319363658135132]] |
| Laughter running - head to the side | [[319363671468464]] |
| Fiu! - It wipes the sweat from fright | [[319363681468463]] |
| Happy - smile | [[319363691468462]] |
| Smirk - smirk | [[319363694801795]] |
| Fist - face with boxing gloves | [[319363714801793]] |
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